Job Market

Kinesso LLC (San Franisco, CA) seeks
Director, Data Engineering to dvlp & implmnt
sftwr for high app prfmnce, data security &
future scalblty. Reqs MS in Data Engg, Sftwre
Engg, Data Analytcs Engg or Data Sci + 3yrs
exp in offrd pos or data engg pos. All reqd exp
mustv incld archtctng, dlvrng & operatng Irge-
scale, hghly availbl sys in Agile, cont integr’n
envrnmt; prfmng modrn data stack implmntn;
& exp w/ DataLake or DataMart dvpmt,
Relat’nl & MPP DB tchnlgs (Snowflke, AWS
Redshft or MySQL), orchstratr, data pipelines
(Apche Airflow or Dagstr), Advncd SQL, data
modlng & scrptng w/ Pythn & Bash. #LI-DNI.
Role entails hybrd wrk w/ time splt btwn
wrkng in San Francisco, CA offce & flexblty
to telecmmte from another US locatn. Salary:
$197,100/yr. E-mail resume to: