Job Market
Staff software Engineer

Sirius XM Radio LLC (Oakland, CA) seeks Staff
Software Engineer. Reqs MS in CompSci, Comp
Engg. IT or Appld Mathmatcs + 3yrs exp in pos offrd
or sftwr engg/dvpmt pos or Bach in CompSci, Comp
Engg, IT or Appld Mathmatcs + 5yrs prgrssv post-
Bach exp in pos offrd or sftwr engg/dvpmt pos. All
reqd exp mustv incld prfmng native iOS dvpmt incl
dvlpng, testng & dbuggng mobile apps usng Swft &
Objctv C; applyng objct-orntd & reactive dsgn,
concrrncy & multi-thrded progrmmng tchnqs on
Apple pltfms; usng undrstndg of engg sftwr prcesses,
lifecycle mthdlgy, configrn mgmt, release mgmt &
sys verfcatn & testng; provdng streaming media dirct
to consumrs; optmzng ntwrk srvc stacks for increasd
prfmnce (e.g. reduced load times, battry drain) for all
connctn levls; dsgng high availblty, multi-tirer, missn
critcl & fault tolerant sys; leadng prjcts & mentrng
othr engnrs; knwldg of emrgng iOS dvpmt trends &
dsgn pattrns; wrkng w/ digitl advrtsng; & usng
SwftUI & async/await. #LI-DNI Role entails hybrd &
flexblty to telecmmte from another US locatn. Salary:
$206,500/yr. Apply at
Ref: P-2025-06